
What is EZ-171?

EZ-171 is a platform that enables government contractors to comply with the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) 800-171 and CMMC (Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification) cybersecurity requirements in the shortest amount of time and lowest cost .

How do I know if I need to comply with NIST 800-171 or CMMC?

If you are doing business directly with the Federal Government the contact will explicitly state what security requirements that you as the contractor will need to adhere to. If you are a subcontractor your Prime contractor will have “flow down” contract clauses in your subcontract agreement that will specifically state what you will need to adhere to.

If your subcontract agreement does not have “flow down” clauses then you will have to conduct an analysis of the types of data that your system will process, store and transmit then apply the necessary cyber security controls.

What about other cybersecurity standards and regulatory requirements?

EZ-171 was developed with NIST 800-171 and CMMC standards in mind but we have designed the platform to be modular, so that any standard can be implemented. Here are a few examples of other standards and frameworks that EZ-171 can help with:

  • ISO/IEC 27001
  • NIST Cybersecurity Framework
  • PCI/DSS (Credit Card Processing)
  • HIPAA (Health Care)
  • Others not listed

How does it work?

EZ-171 develops an environment specifically to meet your needs. There are multiple levels of security requirements based upon the types of data that are stored, processed and transmitted through your system. We will help you evaluate your data, then apply the necessary security controls for your specific needs.

How is EZ-171 different

EZ-171 is different in the fact that we will only deal with the data that is specific to your contract(s). Other companies address your corporate network, remote systems and third party systems that connect to your corporate network. This type of approach can cost tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. Our approach is completely different, it’s designed with how you run your business. Our solution is scalable and modular to meet your specific needs.

How do I get support for my EZ-171 environment?

It’s your choice. If you have an existing IT staff with support expertise we can build your environment and hand it over to your experts. If not we can provide 24/7/365 Help Desk Services for any issue, question or concern.

How does EZ-171 address incident response?

It’s your choice. If you have an existing IT staff with incident response expertise we can build your environment and hand it over to your experts. If not we can provide 24/7/365 incident response services.

How does EZ-171 address continuous monitoring

It’s your choice. If you have an existing IT staff with cybersecurity continuous monitoring expertise we can build your environment and hand it over to your experts. If not we can provide continuous monitoring services for your environment.

How does EZ-171 address cybersecurity assessments and audits

It’s your choice. If you have an existing IT staff with cybersecurity assessment and auditing expertise we can build your environment and hand it over to your experts. If not we can provide assessment and auditing services for your environment.

How does EZ-171 address cybersecurity reporting?

It’s your choice. If you have an existing IT staff with cybersecurity reporting expertise we can build your environment and hand it over to your experts. If not we can provide reporting services for your environment.

How does EZ-171 address system documentation?

It’s your choice. If you have an existing IT staff with cybersecurity documentation expertise we can build your environment and hand it over to your experts. If not we can provide documentation services for your environment.

How do I get started?

Complete the form on the subscribe page. Our Customer Integration Team will call you to get started.